I have a bit of an addiction to game based learning websites. I use Kahoot almost daily. I use Quizizz several times a month. Lately I’ve been tinkering with the new kid on the block – GimKit. My students love it.
I always like to think of the development of edutech as stages of life. At the time of this writing, Gimkit is young and full of energy and ideas, but is still certainly lacking in some polish. Making games in Gimkit is a little clunky and unnecessarily time consuming compared to other formats, in my opinion. Nonetheless, where Gimkit shines is on the student engagement side. There are lots of fun game variations to get kids excited.
Essentially, the students play the game by answering questions at their own pace. Correct answers earn money or points which can be used to purchase all kinds of power-ups and obstacles for opposing players and teams. Their Trust No One game, patterned after the super popular Among Us game was really well liked by my students. Unfortunately, it has been taken down temporarily. (Update April 2021 It is back up now!)
When I get a bit more time, I’ll try to add a bit more to this post about my student experiences with the games available.