I hope by now that you are enjoying your summer break. Summer for my wife and I means means spending time outside – particularly camping. So far my wife and I have had three opportunities to take out our camper and enjoy the great outdoors. When our kids were younger, we always camped in a pop-up camper, and we pulled it all around the country from Savanah, GA to to Maine to Yellowstone. This past year, we decided to upgrade and move up to a small pull behind camper. Do you love to camp? Feel free to write me and let me know your favorite spot.

Our second camping trip was during “birding week” here in Northwest Ohio. Because of our proximity to Lake Erie, our area gets a huge amount migrating birds for a short time in May. Bird lovers come from around the country flock to the area (sorry, I had to). Personally, I don’t know much about birds, but one of the avid birder watchers we met exposed us to a very cool free app for identifying birds called Merlin. It will identify birds around you by just listening to their calls. If you like birds, even just a little, check it out.

In my store this summer, I’ve been spending time updating products and creating great freebies to share. Look for more of these to come. I decided to start with math topics from the end of the year and work backward. Like many teachers, the topic that I usually cover at the end of the year is Measurement. I created two slideshows that I used to help teach customary measurement. Below I have also attached some of the independent practice activities to go along with this skill.

Here are a few products in my TpT store to give your students independent practice with these skills: