The Final Test: A Fun End-of-Year Activity

The Final Test: A Fun End-of-Year Activity

You know the last days of school can be so difficult to plan for. The schedules are out of whack, the kids are bursting with energy, and you are tired. Real Tired. You’re thinking, what can I do these final days to have some fun. Enter “The Final Test” to the rescue!

Because I like being a little theatrical, I usually set the stage with my students by being very serious. Picture the last day of school. On our daily agenda, I write “The Final Test” during one of our blocks. Several kids notice this, of course, and ask what it is.

“Do we really have a test on the last day of school?”

“Yes,” I reply.

When it’s time, I pass out the test face down, and say, “Well, you see, the middle school/5th grade teachers just sent me this very important test. They say it will give them important data to see what you have learned this year. I don’t want you to worry too much about it. I’ve taught you all you need to succeed on it. Just do your best.” Sometimes (depending on my class that year), I trail off and quickly mutter to myself, “and if you don’t pass this test, you don’t pass 4th grade…”

The students usually respond incredulously, “What?! Are you joking, Mr. Pransky…Seriously?!”

“No. I’m not joking. Oh, and I forgot to mention. It’s timed. You have just 10 minutes. Good luck!” I respond cheerfully as I start my class timer.

What starts as intensely focused reading and writing as they turn over their paper quickly changes to giggles and laugh-out-loud fun as kids move through the questions and direction on the test. Questions like:

  • During what year was the War of 1812 fought?
  • After what animal was the Snake River named?
  • Put your left shoe on your non-writing hand.
  • What do cows drink?
  • How many light panels can be found on your classroom ceiling?
  • Write 5 (or more) things you really liked about this year. (Note: I have had many kids write as an answer, “This test!”

Trust me on this one. Once you use this, it will become, as it is for me, a staple of your last-day-of-school plans. Enjoy!

The final test

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